Our friends Rocky & Kristi asked us to do their engagement photos while we were in Tulsa, OK this summer. They were real troopers in the summer heat! We had a great time and captured some sweet moments...
Doug and Barbara are a great couple I met at Life Center Ministries here in Atlanta, Ga. They asked us to do their engagement photos, and boy did we have fun! We shot their photos in old downtown Norcross. It turned out to be beautiful setting to showcase their love for one another. Here are some of my favorites:
My little brother is making his mark in the music industry and asked me to take a few photos for his myspace music page. You can check out his page at: http://www.mp3leak.com/mars/
Here are a few photos of my nephew Weston that I took while in Las Cruces, NM. He is such a handsome boy and growing so fast! He was four yrs old at the time but recently turned five.
I was so happy I got to take my little cousin Sara Bailee's one year photos! She is just precious and so beautiful to photograph. Here are a few of my favorites:
Hey guys...long time no see! I have been MIA for a long while on this site, and was motivated to pick up where I left off while watching "Julie & Julia" tonight. :) I thought I would start with some pictures from our trip to Burt's Pumpkin Patch this Fall. Jordan is quit the cutie if I must say so myself....
About Meredith: I LOVE to travel...missions and music are my passion...spending time with my boys is my favorite past time...I love capturing special moments as Jordan grows...I am a beach fanatic...I love to shop, cook, scrapbook, garage sale, Yoforia!, and spend time with my friends and family.
About Chad: I love cycling...working out...playing basketball...traveling...missions (orphanage in Africa)...spending time with my family... sushi...orchestras...and the art of photography.